08 April 2014


This is a great 3 part interview from 1991 with Paul Rand, one of the most influential names in graphic design. He comes off as intelligent and obviously talented, yet still appears to be grounded and humble about his accomplishments. He addresses the importance of graphic design to the success of a product, in solving problems, and in improving our quality of life. I like how relatable he is as a designer, he acknowledges how insignificant you feel starting out, but inspires by proving that graphic designers do a job that is highly important, difficult to do well, as well as underappreciated and undervalued in the business world.


  1. The interview was very interesting. Rand comes off as very approachable, I like how he mentions how he chooses to be different by using typefaces that other people don't, cause everyone else wants to be trendy.

  2. Paul Rand!! A legend and one of my favourite designers of all time! Thanks I'll be watching this interview all weekend.

  3. I like how he talked about how being talented is not all that a designer needs, he says that they need to be able to communicate and be able to let people know what they are doing. Which is very true you could have a great idea and be able to create it but if your potential client has no clue what you are talking about they are not going to hire you.
