04 March 2013

Mobile First

Something that has been brought to my attention recently is the need for mobile websites. We are constantly connected to the world wide web through the use of our smart phones and tablets. This being true we need for our websites to be sized convenient and designed accordingly to the device they are being viewed on. Most websites do not have appropriately sized versions for mobile users. We can fix this by utilizing media queries. Media queries allow the browser and device to select the appropriate style sheet and/ or style elements that need be applied to the HTML based on the device.

The technicalities of this can become quite time consuming. As a designer it becomes our job to decide what is worth keeping and what is worth eliminating. Above you see images of the same website viewed in different browser widths, as you would see on a mobile device/ tablet. On the top far left you see how much more visually appealing it is to have one strong image vs. four images. Size and readability are the two key features that determine the design of each version of the site. I just felt that bringing this to attention would be good, considering that the future of web design will rely mostly on the design of mobile sites.



  1. I think most people take mobile websites for granted. Before I took Ben's web design class I never thought about the different programing and designing that went into creating a mobile site. I assumed the browser knew how to arrange websites for the each device. Our society becomes more reliable on mobile devices and the attention to these websites continues to grow.

  2. Web design is becoming more complicated with all of these new device formats that need to be considered. Thankfully there are people out there always coming up with new & easier ways to deal with this issue. Right now media queries are definitely the best way to make sure you're designing a website that can be viewed on anything.
