25 February 2013

Wooster Collective 10yr Anniversary

I enjoy visiting woostercollective.com, some of the most creative generated ideas and art concepts that are street influenced is very interesting to me. I started out doing street art and have never lost interest in it, which give me the most influence for taking that into graphic design. This image comes from woostercollective's  10 year anniversary artwork from one of the featured artist who has been contributing to them since the blog site has started. The theme for the artists selected to do artwork for this 10 year anniversary was "what is one thing you learned in the past decade that you wish some one had told you 10 years ago." the featured artist is named ABOVE and he has done so much for public art and gallery work putting in work for so long and is a respected member of the street artist community. ABOVE created this work using screen printing, he wished someone had told him about screen printing much earlier because it became so prominent to his style with using stencils and learning layers very well, and this is the work he created for woostercollectives 10 year anniversary.

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